divendres, 4 de juny del 2010


This is our website about music

divendres, 28 de maig del 2010

Our life


we are Aina Payeras and Júlia Grinyó and we are studying 1st of ESO in the IES Icària. We are 12 years old.

We live in Barcelona, a beautiful city. We like FC Barcelona team.

Aina Payeras:

I like sweets and chocolate

I like to watch films with popcorns:)

This Easter holidays I stay in Barcelona.

I like travelling.

Júlia Grinyó:

I like very much chocolate.

Also I like singing, dancing and go out with my friends.

This Easter holidays I stay in Ireland.

I like also travelling.

Don't! · You musn't talk with people that you don't know.
· You musn't give your private information(adress, telephone number...)
? · Give or send images of your friends.

Do! · You can talk with your friends.

dimarts, 27 d’abril del 2010


In a village of Zimbabwe, there is the virus of AIDS and a boy called Tendai explains to the Dr. Kapawa that his parents died of AIDS. In this village also the teacher of the school is infected of AIDS and so, Tendai and his friends can't go to school. Tendai dreams of being a teacher and Dr. Kapawa has to send an e-mail to People United for Schools because they have to send a teacher to the school of Tendai.

In a few days, one teacher is coming and Tendai and his friends can go to the school again.

dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010


HACKER: Is a person that steals data. A person that can break into a computer.

A VIRUS: A virus is a software that causes hard drive malfunctions and deletes files and it can infect thousands of computers by emails.

A ROUTER: A router is a device that connects you to the Internet.

What can happen when packets of information are sent by internet? There can be a lot of packets of information so it's slow, you can find viruses, interferences, hackers etc...

divendres, 19 de febrer del 2010


Write a letter to a friend who lives in an isolated place and who has never used a computer or the Internet. Describe how it works.

Hello, Clara!
We are Aina and Júlia, how are you?
Now we are going to explain you how to used a computer and the Internet. A computer is a machine to do homework, talk with friends, play some games and more things... A computer has a screen, a mouse and a keyboard.
The Internet is a browser that you can serch for information, create a blog or a page and a lot of other things!

dimarts, 16 de febrer del 2010

Disk Drives


TO BACK UP= copia de seguretat

FILES= arxius

ASH= ordinador penjat o espatllat

L HARD-DISK= disc-dur extern
BURN= fer copies
FLOPPY DISKS= disquets

divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010



- It's tactile
- It's very portable
- It's light and small


- It's better as an adressbook than as a computer.

-the screen is too small



-The screen is bigger

- You can carry it around


-You have to recharge the battery

- It's fragile



-It's not fragile

- It's faster

- You can work for hours

- The screen is bigger


- It's not portable

- It's heavy

divendres, 5 de febrer del 2010



It's a computer very modern because it's small and the screen is large. It has an antivirus incorporate and also we gift a bag with it!
The price it's 250€.